Files In This Archive: 5 .zip files which are the demo versions for the 5 apps in the JPack - JFile, JShopper, JTutor, JStones, and Jookerie! readme.txt - this text file Installation: Unzip each of the .zip archives - each has its own seperate readme file, and documentation files. Distribution: This version of the JPack is for demo purposes only. You may use and distribute this archive as long as all three of the files remain intact and unchanged. Registration: The registration fee for JPack is $39.95 (U.S. funds). The registered version of this program eliminates the restrictions in each of the apps, and will include free updates to each of the programs as they are released. ON THE WEB: PilotGearHQ! - PilotGear now accepts direct credit card orders for JPack. See: You can also register via First Virtual account VIA US MAIL: You can also register by sending check or money order for $39.95 (U.S. Funds only) to: Land-J Technologies c\o J.J. Lehett PO Box 677461 Orlando FL 32867-7461 If registering by mail please include an email address where you would like the program sent, or include an extra $2 to cover the cost of diskette and postage. Also PLEASE include a reference to JPack in with your check so that I know which program to send you. Standard Disclaimers Apply: Although care has been taken to insure a bug-free program, we will not be help responsible for any malfunctions as a result of the use of this program. Comments, Criticisms, and Suggestions: Send to: Land-J Technologies c/o J.J. Lehett PO Box 677461 Orlando FL 32867-7461 Via email: Internet - JLEHETT@IAG.NET